Last week, we asked you to send in questions about your biggest parenting struggles. Thank you for writing to us. ❣️

Many of the responses we received were centered around one main topic: how to help our children cope with their emotions.

“When I say ‘no’, he finds it hard to accept. He goes on and on. Explaining ‘why’ doesn’t seem to help.” 

“How do we help our child to regulate her emotions?”

“I try to comfort my child, but it doesn't work.”

“If my daughter says she's ok, how do I know that she is REALLY ok?”

“How can I maintain our connection today and through their teen years?”

“How do I reconnect with my child after I’ve lost my cool?”

The problem with most parenting advice out there is that you can get tips and tricks all day long until the cows 🐮come home but…

If you haven't processed your own feelings before talking to your child, you won't be very effective at helping them cope with theirs.

In this short video, I’ve got 3 journal prompts for you to do either before or after your child has intense feelings or a meltdown, so you can process your OWN emotions before you support your child with theirs. (These questions were originally given to me by my good therapist friend, Katherine. Thank you!)

So grab your journal and gel pens–or just open up a note on your phone–and write down your answers to these 3 questions.

Use these questions to process an incident from the past or to prepare for something that you know is coming in the future.

Check out Part 2, where we talk about the things you can do *in the moment* when your child has intense emotions (and we share the story of our child’s most public epic meltdown).

I’d love to hear some of your answers to these journal prompt questions! Let me know how this exercise worked for you in the comments below.