As a parent, what do you want your kids to do after they fight? 

Most of us want them to reconnect with each other and apologize, right?


What if they don’t want to apologize?

Do you make them say “sorry” even if they don’t mean it?

If they still feel mad, do you let them wait until they’re ready? What if they’re never ready?

What if you have a kid who is extra sensitive,  stubborn, spirited, or distracted? 

When I was a kid and fought with my siblings, my mom didn’t make us apologize to each other. She said that, “forcing kids to apologize is teaching them to lie”.

Her approach might go against conventional wisdom–but I’ve always agreed with my mom on this one and so do many other parenting experts.

Alfie Kohn says that if kids feel sorry, they usually apologize on their own, especially if you’ve modeled this already.

And if kids don’t feel regretful about fighting or hitting? Then, you have a valuable “teaching opportunity”.

There are a bunch of things we can do to teach kids to reconnect; techniques that also build their social and emotional skills, and strengthen family relationships.

Here are six simple steps to follow with your kids to help them reconnect after a fight. 

The best part? These steps aren’t about forcing your kids to apologize, or passively waiting for them to “be ready”. They work for children of all ages and for “out-of-the-box” kids too! For those extra sensitive, stubborn, spirited, or distracted kiddo’s, you just may need to adjust your language.

I’ve even included mini-scripts for you to use in each step to take the guesswork out of what to say!

Let’s go through a common scenario so you can see how to teach kids conflict resolution skills…


Solving a Sibling Squabble: What to do when kids start fighting over a toy

Missy is playing with a truck, and Max is next to her building with blocks. Missy leaves the truck on the ground and runs away for a moment. When she gets back, Max is playing with the truck. Missy screams and grabs the truck away from him. Max hits her, and Missy hits him back. 


Six Simple Steps to Help Kids Resolve Conflict


1. Help Both Kids Calm Down

Before you help kids reconnect, it’s important that they are both ready. If kids are upset, it’s probably too hard for them to have a conversation and consider the other person’s perspective. If kids are fighting over a toy, you can de-escalate the situation by gently placing your hands on the toy, so neither child can play with it. 

Script: Say, “I’m just going to keep my hands here [on this toy] until we can figure out how to solve this.” or “You are both sad. This didn’t go the way you wanted. I have an arm to hug each of you.”

This is also a good time to use a Calming Plan.


2. Connect Before You Correct

Before you correct their behavior (the grabbing and hitting), you’ll need to connect with both children. Giving empathy to each of them will help everyone feel connected and help them calm down. 

Script: You can say, “Max, you look mad. You were playing with the truck and Missy took it away from you.” To Missy, you say, “You’re mad too. You were not done with the truck when Max started to play with it.” 


3. Understand the Communication Beneath the Behavior 

Max and Missy both hit each other to “say” something. It’s likely that both kids were overcome by upset and sadness, and they hit because they didn’t know how to communicate to the other child that they wanted the truck. When we know that behavior is communication, then we can understand “why” each child acted the way he or she did

Script: To Max, “When you hit Missy, were you trying to tell her that you didn’t want her to take the truck?” To Missy, “When you hit Max were you trying to tell him that you didn’t want to be hit and you were still playing with the truck?” 


4. Help Kids Understand Each Other 

Now that both kids are calm and connected, they can begin to understand the other child’s perspective. Finding common ground is helpful–no one likes to get hit, and no one likes it when someone else grabs their toys. 

Script: Say, “Oh that makes sense to me. You both didn’t want to get hit and you both wanted to play with the truck. You ran out of words, so you hit.”


5. Find a Solution that Works for Everyone 

Both kids can offer their solutions. If they don’t have any ideas, you can offer your own solutions. Keep offering ideas until… a.) you find something that works for everyone (including you) OR b.) you run out of ideas.

Script: Say, “What ideas do you have to solve this?” If they don’t have any ideas, say, “Is it okay if Max gives the truck to Missy after he’s done?” “Or does it work for Missy to give the truck to Max after she’s done?”

If they can’t agree on a solution, say, “Sounds like we’re stuck. Come back to me when you’ve got a solution that you both like. I’m going to hold onto the truck until then.” And you can put the truck in an inaccessible area, like a high shelf. 

6. Smile

Ok, you don’t have to smile, but it sure makes things easier. We know from Positive Psychology that even a forced smile helps calm and relax the body

When you smile, you bring lightness and ease to the moment. If you are an “over-thinker” like I am, smiling can help you take life a little less seriously. 

Smile because you are doing something that will help your kids to build their social-emotional skills. Smile because this could be the most important thing you do all day. 


Final Thoughts

Using these six steps, kids can reconnect without blame, shame, or forced apologies. They can come up with a solution that works for them (and you), while developing collaboration and peaceful problem-solving skills.

In the end, the kids are able to understand each other's perspectives, build their social-emotional skills, and strengthen their relationship. 

If you read through these steps and thought, “This would never work with my kids” then I’d love to hear from you in the comments section at the bottom.

Tell me – what happens when you try to help your kids reconnect? Which one of these steps doesn’t work with your kids? I’ll do my best to write a helpful follow-up about your situation.

If these steps DO work for you, let me know your experience too! There is nothing better than hearing from readers who have used our tips and scripts to tackle their parenting challenges.